Functions of the Concept One integration - including current scope & technical setup detail.
Before Getting Started
What does this Integration do?
It utilizes a web-based Integration Connector Tool for those customers utilizing an on-premise service like ETM (Enterprise Transaction Manager) or MS SQL to automatically pull policy data into InsCipher.
What does this Integration not do?
- At this time, it is unable to pull documents associated with policy data.
- There is no functionality yet for Tax Calculation or Payment reconciliation, though these functionalities are actively being researched for future phases.
Before continuing, please be aware that this service is not currently available to all clients. At a minimum, clients must be currently utilizing an on-premise service like ETM or MS SQL. If you are a Concept One customer but do not currently utilize these connection methods, please contact your dedicated Insurity representative or account manager to understand if this can be set up on your agency’s behalf.
Technical Installation Details
For those customers that meet the above requirements of being an Insurity Concept One customer and have an on-premise solution - please read on to understand how the integration works.
The Integration Connector Tool (ICT) is an installable windows service which runs in the background once installed, and features no GUI. It is configured initially through a simple browser interface - similar to the setup on a home router.
The ICT is installed on a client's window's machine and accesses specific fields within the SQL database or ETM to trigger imports into InsCipher on a daily basis in batch form.
graph LR A[InsCipher WEB service] -->|TCP connection| B[Connector Service] B --> C[MS SQL] B --> D[ETM] subgraph Client's Windows Machine B C D end
Updated 2 days ago