Tax Calculator API®

Get instant surplus lines tax calculations and state-specific documents using JSON request.


Maintaining surplus lines tax compliance has never been easier. With InsCipher's Tax API®, you'll be able to retrieve surplus lines tax calculations and documents for all 50 states (plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands) and have these rates delivered right back into your AMS, Quote/Bind, or rating system.

Access to this endpoint is subject to an extra fee. Contact our Sales Team for more information.



There are different methods or approaches to retrieving tax calculations using InsCipher's Access REST API. If you need a quick solution to test out an import and do not currently have one, consider utilizing Postman.



  • Field Requirements:
    We recommend that you add ALL fields marked as Required = ✓ in the field tables below. If there are values that do not exist in your agency system, you may need to hard code these as null and manually add the data after import.


Before Getting Started:

InsCipher utilizes data tables outside of the documentation for every request to provide the most up to date requirements for your integration. Depending on your configuration, you may need to reference the following tables, which will be mentioned further down in the documentation.

Feel free to open these in a new window or bookmark for future use:

Kentucky Insurance Tax Calculations

InsCipher can calculate BOTH admitted and non-admitted insurance tax rates for the state of Kentucky. The article below is specific to surplus lines tax rates. For admitted (Premium) tax rates, please refer to this other article:

Admitted KY Insurance Tax Rates

Request Method

Authentication and URL

A user is authenticated using an API key, which is provided by your InsCipher implementation specialist. The API key is typically around 40 characters.



There are two options for passing through your API key:

  1. Include API key in the header (recommended)
  2. Include API key in the URL

Method 1: URL Endpoint (API key in Header):

If you are using the header method (default for new users), ensure that the API key is included in the header.


Method 2: URL Endpoint (API Key in URL):


JSON Request Sample



We allow for single or multiple lines of business tax calculations. If you write multiple lines of business consistently, we recommend that you always use the multiple lines of the business JSON request option. This is to make it standardized for you across the board. Then if there is a single coverage, then set the value of the coverage amount to be the total premium amount.

Single Line of Business Tax Calculations

"physical_state" : "KY",
"physical_address": "1110 Sparks Rd",
"physical_city" : "Lexington",
"physical_zip_code": "40505",
"line_of_business" : "GEN-1001",
"policy_effective_date" : "2019-04-01",
"transaction_type" : "PN",
"premium" : 1000.55,
"agency_fee" : 100,
"inspection_fee" : 200,
"commission_received": 0,
"rpg" : 0,
"ecp" : 1,
"account_written_as" : "DC"

Multiple Line of Business Tax Calculations

"physical_state" : "KY",
"physical_address": "1110 Sparks Rd",
"physical_city" : "Lexington",
"physical_zip_code": "40505",
"transaction_line_of_business_list": "GEN-1001|GEN-1002|GEN-1003",
"transaction_line_of_business_coverage": "500.55|200.25|299.75",
"policy_effective_date" : "2019-04-01",
"transaction_type" : "PN",
"agency_fee" : 100,
"inspection_fee" : 200,
"commission_received": 0,
"rpg" : 0,
"ecp" : 1,
"account_written_as" : "DC"

Field Descriptions and Requirements (REQUEST)



Not every field is necessary to get surplus lines taxes returned. However, we strongly recommend providing a complete dataset whenever possible to ensure you are getting back the most accurate and complete data. Surplus lines taxes can and do vary by state, line of business, policy effective dates, rpgs, etc.

Field NameDescriptionField TypeRequired
physical_stateAbbreviation of the physical state or the tax state of the policy. Format should be in 2 digits following the USPS code post-1963.String (2)
physical_addressThe physical address of where the majority of the risk resides.

This is ONLY used to calculate the municipality jurisdiction and the municipal tax (LGPT) for Kentucky.
varchar (255)Depends
physical_cityThe physical city of where the majority of the risk resides.

This is ONLY used to calculate the municipality jurisdiction and the municipal tax (LGPT) for Kentucky.
varchar (100)Depends
physical_zip_codeThe five-digit zip code of where the majority of the risk resides.

This is ONLY used to calculate the municipality jurisdiction and the municipal tax (LGPT) for Kentucky.
varchar (5)Depends
line_of_businessFor single lines of business tax calculations:

Line of business code related to the policy. The reason why this is mandatory is that there are some states that have coverage-specific tax rules. Instead of using the state-specific codes, we suggest using one of the generic codes which we have defined on this list. The generic codes appear with a "GEN-" prefix. More detail on how these work can be found below.
premiumFor single lines of business tax calculations:

Total premium of the policy excluding any policy or carrier fees.
decimal (12,2)Depends
transaction_line_of_business_listFor multiple lines of business tax calculations:

Line of business codes related to the policy, separated by a "|" pipe symbol. The reason why this is mandatory is that there are some states that have coverage-specific tax rules. Instead of using the state-specific codes, we suggest using one of the generic codes which we have defined on this list. The generic codes appear with a "GEN-" prefix. More detail on how these work can be found below.
transaction_line_of_business_coverageFor multiple lines of business tax calculations:

Total premium of each of the included lines of businesses provided in the related field above, separated by a "|" pipe symbol. Do not include any policy or carrier fees in this amount.
policy_effective_datePolicy effective date of the original policy.

For endorsements, use the original policy effective date of the new or renewal policy applicable to the endorsement. This field is not required but is recommended. This is because we have historical tax rules.

If left blank, our system will default this to be today's date.
date (YYYY-MM-DD)
transaction_typeThere are a few states that have transaction type-specific tax rules. For example, there are a couple of states that do not return stamping fees for flat cancellations or return premium endorsements. Keep this in mind when setting up your tax rules.

Here is a list of active filing types that may be taxed differently in the InsCipher Portal (all depending on the state tax rule).
String (3)
premiumTotal premium of the policy excluding any policy or carrier fees.decimal (12,2)
agency_feeTotal fees charged or retained by the brokerage includes fees such as policy fees, agency fees, filing fees, processing fees, etc.

For the purpose of SL Tax calculations, all reportable fees must be mapped to one of two buckets (agency_fee or inspection_fee)
decimal (12,2)
inspection_feeTotal fees charged, mandated, or retained by the carrier include fees such as inspection fees, audit fees, carrier fees, underwriting fees, etc.

For the purpose of SL Tax calculations, all reportable fees must be mapped to one of two buckets (agency_fee or inspection_fee)
decimal (12,2)
commission_receivedThis field is only applicable to NH and relates to determining maximum fee limits in the state as NH does not allow for the collection of both commission and revenue-generating policy fees.

Value Meaning
0 No
1 Yes

You can choose to include this for every state, but only policies in NH will return an applicable response. If left blank, the system defaults this value to "0" (or No).
tinyint (1)
rpgIs your policy a part of a Risk Purchasing Group or RPG? The reason why this is required is there are a few states that have RPG-specific tax rates or document requirements.

Value Meaning
0 No
1 Yes

If you don't write RPG business, then default this value to "0" (or No)
tinyint (1)
ecpIs your policy a part of an Exempt Commercial Purchaser or ECP? The reason why this is required is there are a few states that have RPG-specific tax rates or document requirements.

Value Meaning
0 No
1 Yes

If you don't write ECP business, then default this value to "0" (or No)
tinyint (1)
account_written_asThere are some states that have different document requirements if the business is written direct or through a retail agent. If the business is written directly to the insured, mark it as "DC". If the business is written through a retail agent, mark it as "B".

Value Meaning
DC Direct Client
B Brokerage

If unknown, we recommend defaulting to "B" (or Brokerage).
String (2)

JSON Response Sample

For a description of the field names and values, refer to this table.

    "line_of_business_id": 1,
    "fm_tax_percentage": null,
    "line_of_business_list": [
            "generic_code": null,
            "code": "GEN-1001",
            "fm_tax_title": "",
            "empa_tax_title": ""
    "state_properties": {
        "state_stamp_wording_text": "“This insurance has been placed with an insurer not licensed to transact business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky but eligible as a surplus lines insurer. The insurer is not a member of the Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association. Should the insurer become insolvent, the protection and benefits of the Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association are not available.”",
        "state_stamp_wording_instructions": "Wording to be conspicuously stamped on the face page of the policy, initialed by or bearing the name of the surplus lines broker who procured it.\nExample: “This insurance has been placed with an insurer not licensed to transact business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky but eligible as a surplus lines insurer. The insurer is not a member of the Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association. Should the insurer become insolvent, the protection and benefits of the Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association are not available.”\nJohn Smith",
        "state_stamp_wording_font_size": 12,
        "state_stamp_wording_font_bold": 0,
        "state_stamp_wording_font_italics": 0,
        "state_stamp_wording_font_color": "black",
        "state_stamp_wording_type": "wording",
        "state_stamp_wording_updated_at": "2022-04-14 06:04:00"
    "account_written_as": "DC",
    "line_of_business": "GEN-1001",
    "transaction_type": "PN",
    "premium": 1000.55,
    "agency_fee": 100,
    "inspection_fee": 200,
    "sl_tax": 39.02,
    "stamping_fee": 23.41,
    "sl_service_charge": 0,
    "municipal_fee": null,
    "fm_tax": 0,
    "empa_tax": 0,
    "rpg": 0,
    "tax_rule": {
        "is_sl_tax_active": true,
        "sl_tax_amount_type": 1,
        "sl_tax_amount": 3,
        "is_sl_tax_input_manual": false,
        "is_stamping_fee_active": true,
        "stamping_fee_amount_type": 1,
        "stamping_fee_amount": 1.8,
        "is_stamping_fee_input_manual": false,
        "exclude_stamping_fee_when_negative_premium": false,
        "is_sl_service_charge_active": false,
        "sl_service_charge_amount_type": 1,
        "sl_service_charge_amount": 0,
        "is_sl_service_charge_input_manual": false,
        "is_municipal_fee_active": true,
        "municipal_fee_amount_type": 2,
        "municipal_fee_amount": 0,
        "is_municipal_fee_input_manual": false,
        "fee_restrictions": false,
        "fee_restriction_amount_fixed_active": false,
        "fee_restriction_amount_fixed": null,
        "fee_restriction_amount_percentage_active": false,
        "fee_restriction_amount_percentage": null,
        "max_fee": false,
        "max_fee_amount_type": 1,
        "max_fee_amount": null,
        "fee_restriction_apply_to": [
        "fee_restriction_apply_from": [
        "both_fees_allowed": true,
        "ask_if_commission_received": false,
        "round_up_taxes_to_the_nearest_dollar": false,
        "round_up_premium_to_the_nearest_dollar": false,
        "sl_tax_title": null,
        "sl_service_charge_title": null,
        "stamping_fee_title": "Surcharge",
        "municipal_fee_title": "Municipal Tax",
        "state_notes": [
                "note_type": 1,
                "note": "<p>All premium bearing policy documents (declarations page, endorsements, etc.) must have the transaction&#39;s premium, all fees, and taxes individually broken out.</p>"
                "note_type": 1,
                "note": "<p><span style=\"background-color:#f5fafc; color:#526273; font-family:&quot;Open Sans&quot;,sans-serif\">Signed/Completed disclosure must be attached to policy before issuance.</span></p>"
                "note_type": 1,
                "note": "<p><span style=\"font-size:11pt\"><span style=\"font-family:Calibri,sans-serif\"><strong><span style=\"font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif\"><span style=\"color:#c0392b\">Tax Exempt status varies by state. To help determine whether or not a policy qualifies as Tax Exempt, please review the article found </span></span></strong><strong><span style=\"font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif\"><a href=\"\" style=\"color:blue; text-decoration:underline\"><span style=\"color:#2980b9\">here</span></a><span style=\"color:#c0392b\">.</span></span></strong></span></span></p>"
                "note_type": 1,
                "note": "<p><strong>Collection Fees:</strong> Per <a href=\"\">K.R.S 91A.08(4)</a> and 806 KAR 2:150 - the broker or carrier may charge and retain a&nbsp;collection fee to cover the administrative costs associated with preparing and filing the LGPT quartlery and annual reports. This fee is not taxable and but is reported on the LGPT reports. Since this is not payable to the jurisdiction, there is no field in the tax calculator for this collection fee. It is your respoinsibility to track and report any collection fee to the state. Please refer to the statutes referenced regarding the fee limitations.</p>"
        "state_documents": [
                "upload_required": false,
                "name": "Disclosure & Acknowledgement",
                "code": "DISCL",
                "document_note": "To be signed by insured. Signed copy must be attached to policy before issuance - To be Kept on File",
                "transaction_types": [
                        "name": "New Policy",
                        "short_code": "PN"
                        "name": "Renewal Policy",
                        "short_code": "PR"
                "document_download_link": "",
                "last_edited_at": "2020-09-18",
                "date_active_from": null,
                "date_active_to": null,
                "document_group": "Affidavit - Blank",
                "rpg": 2,
                "ecp": 2,
                "exempt": 2,
                "export_list": 2,
                "who_signs": "Insured"
                "upload_required": true,
                "name": "Policy or Binder/Dec page",
                "code": "POLIC",
                "document_note": null,
                "transaction_types": [
                        "name": "New Policy",
                        "short_code": "PN"
                        "name": "Renewal Policy",
                        "short_code": "PR"
                "document_download_link": null,
                "last_edited_at": "2021-11-05",
                "date_active_from": null,
                "date_active_to": null,
                "document_group": "Policy Docs",
                "rpg": 2,
                "ecp": 2,
                "exempt": 2,
                "export_list": 2,
                "who_signs": "N/A"
                "upload_required": true,
                "name": "Endorsement",
                "code": "ENDOR",
                "document_note": "Attach full endorsement",
                "transaction_types": [
                        "name": "Additional Premium Endorsement",
                        "short_code": "APE"
                        "name": "Return Premium Endorsement",
                        "short_code": "RPE"
                        "name": "Audit Endorsement",
                        "short_code": "AE"
                        "name": "Flat Cancellation",
                        "short_code": "FC"
                        "name": "Pro Rata Cancellation",
                        "short_code": "PC"
                        "name": "Extension Endorsement",
                        "short_code": "XE"
                        "name": "Audit Return Premium Endorsement",
                        "short_code": "ARE"
                        "name": "Reinstatement",
                        "short_code": "RI"
                "document_download_link": null,
                "last_edited_at": "2021-12-02",
                "date_active_from": null,
                "date_active_to": null,
                "document_group": "Policy Docs",
                "rpg": 2,
                "ecp": 2,
                "exempt": 2,
                "export_list": 2,
                "who_signs": "N/A"
                "upload_required": false,
                "name": "Diligent Search Form",
                "code": "DSF",
                "document_note": "To be completed confirming diligent search.",
                "transaction_types": [
                        "name": "New Policy",
                        "short_code": "PN"
                        "name": "Renewal Policy",
                        "short_code": "PR"
                "document_download_link": null,
                "last_edited_at": "2021-12-30",
                "date_active_from": null,
                "date_active_to": null,
                "document_group": "Affidavit - Custom",
                "rpg": 2,
                "ecp": 0,
                "exempt": 2,
                "export_list": 2,
                "who_signs": "Broker"
                "upload_required": false,
                "name": "State Stamp Wording",
                "code": "SSW",
                "document_note": "Wording to be conspicuously stamped on the face page of the policy, initialed by or bearing the name of the surplus lines broker who procured it.",
                "transaction_types": [
                        "name": "New Policy",
                        "short_code": "PN"
                        "name": "Renewal Policy",
                        "short_code": "PR"
                "document_download_link": "",
                "last_edited_at": "2022-02-17",
                "date_active_from": null,
                "date_active_to": null,
                "document_group": "State Stamp - Blank",
                "rpg": 2,
                "ecp": 2,
                "exempt": 2,
                "export_list": 2,
                "who_signs": "N/A"
        "round_up_fees_to_the_nearest_dollar": false,
        "round_taxes_to_the_nearest_dollar": false,
        "round_premium_to_the_nearest_dollar": false,
        "round_fees_to_the_nearest_dollar": false
    "commission_received": false,
    "tax_exempt": 0,
    "export_list": null,
    "municipal_tax_settings": [
            "municipal_tax_setting": {
                "municipality_name": "Lexington-Fayette",
                "line_category": "inland_marine"
    "county_tax_settings": null,
    "collection_fee": 0,
    "physical_address": "1110 Sparks Rd",
    "physical_city": "Lexington",
    "physical_zip_code": "40505",
    "physical_state": "KY"

Field Descriptions (RESPONSE)



The responses below are currently a bit out of order from the data submitted in the request. However, the values are accurate and can still be mapped to field names in your Quote/Bind system. Your task to start out will be to do the mapping such that data returned updates the quote and provides a seamless/automatic experience for the end-user.

FieldDescription of Values
line_of_business_idThe state-specific Line of Business Code returned
fm_tax percentageFM Tax percentage, if applicable
line_of_business_listHEADER (Useful for Multi-Line of Business Tax Calculations)
generic_codeInformational Only > Generic Code used to calculate taxes.

Note: There are a few states that allow for multi-line of business submissions. For these states, there could be a possibility of tax rates being different, depending on the premium associated with each line of business. Should you have multiple lines of business but the state does not allow for multiple lines of business to be used when filing , our system will be based the tax rates on the line of business with the greatest amount of premium.
codeInformational Only > State-specific line of business code used to calculate taxes
fm_tax_titleIf this is null or blank, then consider the tax title to be the default name of "FM Tax". There are a few instances where a different tax title may be used in a state. For a full state list, please refer to this matrix.
empa_tax_titleIf this is null or blank, then consider the tax title to be the default name of "EMPA Tax". There are a few instances where a different tax title may be used in a state. For a full state list, please refer to this matrix.
state_propertiesHEADER (if applicable)
state_stamp_wording_textActual state stamp wording text
state_stamp_wording_instructionsInstructions on how to apply state stamp wording to the policy document(s). Note, that there may be a need to add additional dynamic fields to be included with the text. For example, there are several states, where in addition to the wording, the license name and/or number would need to be added after the text.
state_stamp_wording_font_sizeShould the text have a specific font size?

The return value will be an integer (2)

Note: If there is not a state requirement, the default value will be "12", meaning 12 pt. font size.
state_stamp_wording_font_boldShould the text be bold?

0 - No
1 - Yes

Note: If there is not a state requirement, the default value will be "0" or No
state_stamp_wording_font_italicsShould the text be in italics?

0 - No
1 - Yes

Note: If there is not a state requirement, the default value will be "0" or No
state_stamp_wording_font_colorShould the text be in a specific color?

Options returned are "black", "red", or "blue"

Note: If there is not a state requirement, the default value will be "black"
state_stamp_wording_typeCurrently, this field can be considered N/A. By default, this will show as "wording".
state_stamp_wording_updated_atThe last date where there was an update to the state stamp wording text, instructions, or formatting settings made by the InsCipher team.
account_written_asBrokerage = B or Direct to Client = DC

This is just returning the value submitted and won't be relevant to the tax calculations.
transaction_typeTransaction type code submitted in the Request.

This is just returning the value submitted and may not be necessary to utilize if stored in your management system.
premiumPolicy premium amount. This returned value may be rounded (if applicable).
agency_feeAgency Fee, Policy Fee, Filing Fee, Broker Fee, and/or other revenue generated fee not mandated by the Carrier. This returned value may be rounded or capped to a max fee amount (if applicable).
inspection_feeInspection Fee, Audit Fee, Underwriting Fee, and/or other fee mandated by the carrier. This returned value may be rounded or capped to a max fee amount (if applicable).
sl_taxSurplus Lines Taxes - calculated and rounded (if applicable)
stamping_feeStamping Fee amount - Sometimes renamed depending on state calculated and rounded (if applicable)
sl_service_chargeSurplus Lines Service Charge – Sometimes renamed depending on state - Applies to just a few states - calculated and rounded (if applicable)
municipal_feeKentucky’s LGPT - calculated
county_feeKentucky's County Tax - calculated (if applicable)
fm_taxFire Marshall Tax – Sometimes renamed depending on state - Applies to just a few states - calculated and rounded (if applicable)
empa_taxEMPA tax - EMPA applies only to FL but there are a few other states where this field has been repurposed for other state-specific taxes calculated and rounded (if applicable)
physical_addressPhysical Address of the Insured

This is just returning the value submitted and may not be necessary to utilize if already stored in your management system.
physical_cityPhysical City of the Insured

This is just returning the value submitted and may not be necessary to utilize if already stored in your management system.
physical_statePhysical State two-letter code of the Insured

This is just returning the value submitted and may not be necessary to utilize if already stored in your management system.
physical_zip_codeFive-digit Zip Code of the Insured

This is just returning the value submitted and may not be necessary to utilize if already stored in your management system.
rpgIs the policy part of an RPG?

0 - No
1 - Yes

This is just returning the value submitted and may not be necessary to utilize if already stored in your management system.
is_sl_tax_activeIs Surplus Lines Tax active?

sl_tax_amount_typeSurplus Lines Tax Type Values:

1 - Percentage (%)
2 - Fixed ($)
sl_tax_amountSurplus Lines Tax Amount (as it relates to percentage or fixed amount)
is_sl_tax_input_manualCan Surplus Lines Tax be entered manually?

is_stamping_fee_activeIs the Stamping Fee active?

stamping_fee_amount_typeStamping Fee Type Values:

1 - Percentage (%)
2 - Fixed ($)
stamping_fee_amountStamping Fee Amount (as it relates to percentage or fixed amount)
is_stamping_fee_input_manualCan Stamping Fee be entered manually?

is_sl_service_charge_activeIs Service Charge Fee active?

sl_service_charge_amount_typeService Charge Fee Type Values:

1 - Percentage (%)
2 - Fixed ($)
sl_service_charge_amountService Charge Fee Amount (as it relates to percentage or fixed amount)
is_sl_service_charge_input_manualIs Service Charge Fee entered manually?

is_municipal_fee_activeIs Municipal Fee Active?

municipal_fee_amount_typeMunicipal Fee Type Values:

1 - Percentage (%)
2 - Fixed ($)
municipal_fee_amountMunicipal Tax Amount (as it relates to percentage or fixed amount)
is_municipal_fee_input_manualIs Municipal Fee entered manually?

fee_restrictionsAre there any fee restrictions?

fee_restriction_amount_fixed_activeFee restriction amount fixed

fee_restriction_amount_percentage_activeFee restriction amount percentage

fee_restriction_amount_percentagePercentage amount
max_feeThe max fee total $ that can be charged on a policy
max_fee_amount_type1 - Percentage (%)
2 - Fixed ($)
max_fee_amountValue of the max fee. For example, if "6" and the Max Fee Type = Percentage, then it would be "6%"
fee_restriction_applies_toFee restrictions applies to start date?

0 - None
1 = Policy Premium (premium)
2 = Agency Fee (agency_fee)
3 = Inspection/Underwriting Fee

If multiple, then values will come in an array
fee_restriction_applies_fromFee restrictions applies from start date?

0 - None
1 = Policy Premium (premium)
2 = Agency Fee (agency_fee)
3 = Inspection/Underwriting Fee (inspection_fee)

If multiple, then values will come in an array
both_fees_allowedAre both Broker Fees and Carrier Fees Allowed?

ask_if_commission_receivedDoes the state care about the commission for fee limits? (will only apply to NH)


This is just returning the value submitted and may not be necessary to utilize if stored in your management system.
sl_tax_titleSL Tax Title

If Null, this should default to "Surplus LInes Tax"

There are a few instances where a different tax title may be used in a state. For a full state list, please refer to this matrix.
sl_service_charge_titleSL Service Charge Title

If Null, this should default to "SL Service Charge"

There are a few instances where a different tax title may be used in a state. For a full state list, please refer to this matrix.
stamping_fee_titleStamping Fee Title

If Null, this should default to "Stamping Fee"

There are a few instances where a different tax title may be used in a state. For a full state list, please refer to this matrix.
municipal_fee_titleMunicipal Fee Title - KY ONLY

If Null, this should default to "Municipal Tax"

There are a few instances where a different tax title may be used in a state. For a full state list, please refer to this matrix.
state_notesArray of state-specific notes added by InsCipher to assist in the quoting and binding of policies

As there may be more than one note, this may come as an array.
upload_requiredIs document upload required to submit the transaction to InsCipher
nameDocument name
codeDocument code (used when importing documents into InsCipher via API submission)
document_noteDocument specific notes that give direction on how it is used
transaction_typeTransaction type code. View available transaction or filing types in this matrix.
document_download_linkOne-time use URL that can be used to download documents.
last_edited_atLast date the document was updated by the InsCipher team.
date_active_fromThe start date this document went into effect
date_active_toThe end date this document became no longer applicable
document_groupGroup or type of document (Informational Only)
rpgIs the document applicable if the policy is classified as being part of a Risk Purchasing Group (RPG)

0 - No
1 - Yes
ecpIs the document applicable if the policy is classified as being written by an Exempt Commercial Purchaser (ECP)?

0 - No
1 - Yes
exemptIs the document applicable if the policy is considered "Tax Exempt"?

0 - No
1 - Yes
export_listIs the document applicable if on the state's "Export List"?

0 - No
1 - Yes
who_signsIf a signature is required, who signs the document?

N/A - No signature required
round_up_fees_to_the_nearest_dollarRounding Rules: Do the FEES round UP to the nearest dollar?

round_up_taxes_to_the_nearest_dollarRounding Rules: Do the TAXES round UP to the nearest dollar?

round_up_premium_to_the_nearest_dollarRounding Rules: Does the PREMIUM round UP to the nearest dollar?

round_fees_to_the_nearest_dollarRounding Rules: Does the FEES round to the nearest dollar?

tax_exemptIs the policy considered Tax Exempt?

0 - No
1 - Yes

Not applicable. You can ignore this value.
export_listIs the Line of Business on the state's Export List?

0 - No
1 - Yes
2 - Both

This is if the line of business selected is on the Export List in the state (should they have one). If "1" (or Yes), this means that a diligent effort form is typically not required in the state.

Note: "2" means that the state doesn't have an export list.
municipality_nameMunicipality name returned based on the physical address, city, zip, and state-provided.

Applicable to KY Only
line_categoryOne of the seven Kentucky line categories:

Fire and Allied Perils
Casualty Liability Only
Inland Marine
All Other Risk Taxed
municipal_tax_settingsKY - ONLY HEADER (currently this is not returning values) - Collection of municipal_tax_setting or null if not applicable.
municipal_tax_settingKY - ONLY HEADER (currently this is not returning values)
municipality_nameMunicipality name in Kentucky
line_categoryLine category in Kentucky, which are important during quarterly and annual reporting of LGPT reports.

Return Code Line Category Name

fire_and_allied_perils Fire and Allied Perils
casulaty_liability_only Casualty Liability Only
vehicle Vehicle
inland_marine Inland Marine
health Health
life Life
all_other_risk_taxes All Other Risk Taxed
county_tax_settingsHEADER (currently this is not returning values)
county_nameCounty name in Kentucky. Only applies if a county fee is in addition to municipal fee (rare).
line_categoryLine category in Kentucky, which are important during quarterly and annual reporting of LGPT reports.

Return Code Line Category Name

fire_and_allied_perils Fire and Allied Perils
casulaty_liability_only Casualty Liability Only
vehicle Vehicle
inland_marine Inland Marine
health Health
life Life
all_other_risk_taxes All Other Risk Taxed
collection_feeReturns back the collection fee passed through. If left null, this defaults to "0" (zero)
physical_addressThe address used: Only applicable to KY - Used to calculate the specific municipality and associated taxes

If multiple locations exist, use the location where the largest risk resides (or greatest amount of premium exists).
physical_cityThe city used: Only applicable to KY - Used to calculate the specific municipality and associated taxes

If multiple locations exist, use the location where the largest risk resides (or greatest amount of premium exists).
physical_zip_codeThe zip code used: Only applicable to KY - Used to calculate the specific municipality and associated taxes

If multiple locations exist, use the location where the largest risk resides (or greatest amount of premium exists).
physical_stateOnly applicable to KY - Used to calculate the specific municipality and associated taxes

If multiple locations exist, use the location where the largest risk resides (or greatest amount of premium exists).

Tax Titles

There are some states where field names are repurposed for state-specific definitions of taxes and/or state fees. For a summary of these tax titles, refer to this matrix.


InsCipher uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, 2xx codes indicate success, 4xx codes indicate a failure due to invalid information provided, 5xx codes indicate server errors.

Below are the main HTTP error code and identifier used as well as a summary description of the error:

400 - Bad Request Illegal JSON format
Authentication Failed - API Key is invalid

Documents Return Notes

"Documents" returned using this method will be returned in one of two ways:

  1. Blank document templates: These will be returned as links where blank state forms can be downloaded
  2. Required documents for submission: This will not be a downloadable file, but rather this is informational in nature letting the user know if this document is required or not for submission with the rest of the policy detail. For a quick summary of document requirements, you can refer to this matrix.

How Do Generic Lines of Business Import Codes Work?

InsCipher maintains a list of active coverage lists by state. To simplify the import process, we do not expect you to determine what these codes are on import. Instead, we have created Generic Import codes for you to use which can be found here. On the sheet, the generic codes (GEN-XXXX) are listed with the orange headers on the left side of the sheet. To the right, you will see state-specific codes listed with blue headers. If you import using the generic codes, then our system will automatically associate the transaction to the proper state-specific line of business upon import according to the mapping.



It is your responsibility to review the mapping and to determine if there are additional generic codes that need to be mapped or altered.



InsCipher will accommodate adding generic codes for you as part of the implementation process. These need to be requested via email and in one single request for all adjustments needed. If changes to this mapping are requested after implementation, clients will be charged an hourly rate to add these codes as it can be a time-consuming process.