Taxes & Fees

Stamping Fee Paid Date Updated

Receive a webhook event when there is an update to the Stamping Fee Paid Date.

Request Example

  "event_id": 62,
  "event": "webhook.transaction.stamping-fee-paid-date.updated",
  "timestamp": "2024-11-20 14:19:24",
  "policy_number": "522-29-12",
  "transaction_id": 18949,
  "invoice_number": "Ce39829289-L398",
  "stamping_fee_title": "Surcharge",
  "stamping_fee_invoice_id": null,
  "stamping_fee_paid_date": "2024-11-20 00:00:00",
  "stamping_fee_amount": 1.2,
  "is_stamping_fee_active": true,
  "stamping_fee_amount_type": "percentage"

SL Tax Paid Date Updated

Receive a webhook event when there is an update to the Surplus Lines Tax Paid Date.

Request Example

  "event_id": 62,
  "event": "",
  "timestamp": "2024-11-08 12:11:02",
  "policy_number": "-822-",
  "transaction_id": 4982215,
  "invoice_number": null,
  "sl_tax_title": null,
  "sl_service_charge_title": null,
  "sl_tax_invoice_id": null,
  "sl_tax_paid_date": "2024-11-02-2024 00:00:00",
  "sl_tax_amount": 1.5,
  "is_sl_tax_active": true,
  "sl_tax_amount_type": "percentage"