
Do you have an Agency or Policy Management system and are looking to integrate with InsCipher? See if your system is listed here, and if not - feel free to reach out to see if we have other options for you.

AIM is a web services application which offers broad services in managing underwriting, accounting and claims operations and is specifically designed for MGAs, MGUs, and wholesale brokers. This integration with AIM allows for policies to be automatically imported into InsCipher and for payment reconciliation batches to be created in a streamlined process.

Instanda is a Policy Admin System (PAS) insurance platform that allows clients to build, design and configure insurance products - including functionalities such as quote, product, policy and claims management and workflows. The Instanda integration with InsCipher allows for automation of transactions, documents and returning up to date Surplus Line tax rates.

Origami Risk is a SaaS platform which offers a centralized system to automate critical workflows as a provider of integrated risk, compliance, safety, healthcare and insurance solutions. The integration between Origami Risk and InsCipher offers the automation of transactions, documents and returning up to date Surplus Line tax rates.

For more information about integrations solutions, reach out to the Origami Risk team at rhilyard@origamirisk.com.

PolicyFly is a complete policy management platform for MGA and MGU's that empowers insurers to sell and manage specialty insurance. The integration between PolicyFly and InsCipher offers the automation of transactions and documents.

SureFyre is a cloud-based, configurable underwriting automation software that eliminates manual work and maximizes efficiency of any P&C, MGA, wholesaler or carrier. The integration between SureFyre and InsCipher offers the automation of transactions, documents and returning up to date Surplus Line tax rates.

For more information about integrations solutions, reach out to the Origami Risk team at rhilyard@origamirisk.com or bwallace@surefyre.co.

Velocity Risk is an MGA/carrier hybrid that specializes in E&S insurance for the United States specialty property market. The integration between Velocity and InsCipher offers the automation of transactions, documents and returning up to date Surplus Line tax rates.