Connect® Clients
For Connect® clients, the REST API to Import Transactions enables agencies to programmatically import transactional policy data and documents into the InsCipher portal, streamlining the process of managing and tracking Surplus Lines policies.
InsCipher has an API Endpoint available for your agency to programmatically import transactional policy data and documents into InsCipher’s online portal. In most cases, in order to take advantage of this API, you will need your IT team to be able to extract policy data and documents out of your policy management system, map the fields, and then submit the data electronically through our API endpoint in a JSON format. Most of our clients that have set this up, import batches daily into InsCipher. All batches imported, will be logged and tracked in InsCipher with a batch import ID number. This number also gets associated with individual transactions. InsCipher does have the ability to make certain required fields optional, depending on your workflow. If you have questions on this process or want to get set up, please contact
There are different methods or approaches to importing transactions using this REST API. If you need a quick solution to test out an import and do not currently have one, consider utilizing Postman or make a test call on our Transaction Import schema page. If you are new to our schemas section, we recommend you start with an overview of how to interact with them here.
- Field Requirements:
We recommend that you add ALL fields marked as Required = ✓ in the field tables below. If there are values that do not exist in your agency system, you may need to hard code these as null and manually add the data after import.- Document Import:
While this endpoint allows for the import of documents - they can also be imported separately from transactions via API using your internal invoice number or InsCipher Transaction ID. To learn more, go here.
Before Getting Started:
InsCipher utilizes data tables outside of the documentation for every request to provide the most up to date requirements for your integration. Depending on your configuration, you may need to reference the following tables, which will be mentioned further down in the documentation.
Feel free to open these in a new window or bookmark for future use:
Workflow Overview
The Policy Transaction import API is designed to be completed in two steps:
Step 1: POST JSON batch file to the Import Endpoint
Run the POST request to import specific transactional details formatted with specific header names to start the import process. This detail can also include a link to documents related to the transactions. See the section below for sample JSON request and field descriptions.
Step 2: Send GET request to get detailed Import Status file to the Import Endpoint
Run a request to GET the details on whether or not a specific transaction was imported successfully or if there were any import errors.
Read more about Batch Import Status request
Request Method
Authentication and URL
A user is authenticated using an API key, which is provided by your InsCipher implementation specialist. The API key is typically around 40 characters.
Your API Key can be reset at any time by the primary Filing Agency Admin logging into the InsCipher Connect portal. After logging in, go to "My Profile" by first clicking the arrow next to the user name in the top right corner. Afterward, click the button to “GET NEW API KEY”.

URL Endpoint (API key in Header):
If you are using the header method (default for new users), ensure that the API key is included in the header.

JSON Request Sample
"id": "201702028950",
"policy_number": "CA20170228-05",
"policy_effective_date": "2017-02-01",
"policy_expiration_date": "2018-02-01",
"transaction_effective_date": "2017-02-01",
"expiring_policy_number": "CA20170228-04",
"invoice_date": "2017-02-01",
"invoice_number" : "INVN-10001",
"transaction_type": "PN",
"policy_type": "standard",
"account_written_as": "B",
"rpg": 1,
"layered_risk": 1,
"broker_of_record": 1,
"risk_retention_group": 1,
"purchasing_group_name": "Cal Association",
"risk_description": "General Accidental Coverage",
"ecp": 0,
"exempt": 0,
"multi_state": 0,
"policy_limit": 0.00,
"property_limit": 0.00,
"transaction_line_of_business_list": "GEN-1001|GEN-1002|GEN-1003",
"transaction_line_of_business_coverage": "950.75|2000.25|157.50",
"non_admitted_insurer_code_list": "39381|AA-1120841|12833",
"non_admitted_insurer_code_coverage": "50|30|20",
"syndicate_list": "AA-1120131|AA-1120124",
"syndicate_list_coverage": "60|40",
"premium": 3108.50,
"agency_fee": 200.00,
"inspection_fee": 0.00,
"collection_fee": 0.00,
"sl_tax": 117.00,
"stamping_fee": 7.80,
"sl_service_charge": 0.00,
"municipal_fee": 0.00,
"fm_tax": 0.00,
"empa_tax": 0.00,
"total": 4224.80,
"commission_received": 0,
"mailing_insured_name": "Westfield Galleria at Roseville",
"mailing_address": "1151 Galleria Blvd",
"mailing_city": "Roseville",
"mailing_zip_code": "95678",
"mailing_state_code": "CA",
"insured_entity": "individual",
"insured_email": "producer@demo.none",
"insured_phone": "212-456-7890",
"insured_county": "Washington",
"physical_same_as_mailing": 1,
"stamping_fee_invoice_id" : "INVST-20001",
"sl_tax_invoice_id" : "INVSL-30001",
"agent_id" : "",
"agent_notes" : "test notes",
"business_group_id" : "Division 1",
"customer_code" : "OPT CUST CODE12",
"retail_producer_name": "Producer Name",
"retail_producer_license": "12654",
"retail_agency_name": "Producer Agency Name",
"retail_agency_license": "15456F",
"retail_address": "Demo street 1",
"retail_address2": "2nd floor",
"retail_city": "Demo City",
"retail_state": "WA",
"retail_zip": "12345",
"retail_phone_number": "801-888-8488",
"retail_email_address": "",
"associated_producer" "123456",
"sop_name": "SOP Name",
"sop_address": "Demo street 1",
"sop_address_2": "2nd floor",
"sop_city": "Winthrop",
"sop_state": "WA",
"sop_zip": "98862",
"dc_naic": "54267|37816|49865",
"dc_date_declined": "2017-02-02|2017-02-03|2017-02-04",
"dc_declining_reason": "wrong|bad|incorrect",
"dc_representative_name": "John|Doe|Johnson",
"dc_representative_title": "Mr|Dr|Ms",
"dc_representative_email": "demo@demo.none|test@demo.none|demo@demo.none",
"dc_representative_phone_number": "54|36|465",
"dc_representative_website": "demo.none|demo.none|demo.none",
"dc_who_received_the_declinations": 3,
"dc_other_person_in_office": "Some Other Person",
"dc_who_performed_diligent_search": 1,
"wind_storm_eligible_for_pool": 1,
"wind_storm_primary_amount": 10,
"wind_storm_other_coverages_deductible": 25,
"wind_storm_exclusion": 1,
"wind_storm_deductible": 0.51,
"lloyds_cover_holder_number": "",
"lloyds_cover_holder_name": "",
"transaction_documents": [{
"code": "D1DISC",
"transaction_documents": [{
"code": "D1DISC",
"url": "
"id": 1000001
"code": "POLIC",
"url": "
"id": 100000
Field Descriptions and Requirements
Field Name | Description | Field Type | Required | |||||||||
policy_number | Policy number. Non-unique field. We recommend not using a policy number like TBD if at all possible. | varchar (50) | ✓ | |||||||||
policy_effective_date | Policy effective date. This is the original effective date of the policy and not the endorsement date. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ✓ | |||||||||
policy_expiration_date | Policy expiration date. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ✓ | |||||||||
transaction_effective_date | Transaction effective date. For endorsements or cancellations, this is the endorsement or cancellation date. For New/Renewal policies, this is equal to the policy effective date. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ✓ | |||||||||
policy_limit | The aggregate policy limit/liability amount associated with the policy | |||||||||||
risk_description | Description of Risk. * For NY, OH, and PA we require specific import codes to be used. | string | ||||||||||
agency_fee | Policy / Broker / Agency Fee * If omitted 0 (zero) amount will be imported. | number | ||||||||||
inspection_fee | Inspection / Audit / Underwriting Fee * If omitted 0 (zero) amount will be imported. | number | ||||||||||
expiring_policy_number | Expiring Policy Number. Only Required for Renewal type policies. | varchar (50) | Depends | |||||||||
invoice_date | This is the date that the policy was invoiced in most states. In GA, this is the "Revenue Recognition Date", in HI, this is the "Issued Date". For Idaho, this is the "Broker Received Date". If omitted, the transaction effective date will be used. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | Depends | |||||||||
invoice_number | This is the invoice number (or unique transaction ID) generated by your Agency Management System (AMS). This number allows users to trace imports to existing transactions within the management system as is a value we recommend importing. This number will be used to identify possible duplicate transactions. Identified duplicate transactions will be excluded from being imported. | varchar | ✓ | |||||||||
transaction_type | Updated transaction types can be found here. | varchar (50) | ✓ | |||||||||
policy_type | Options include "standard", "master", "cert", or "reporting form". If unknown, choose "standard" or leave blank. | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
transaction_line_of_business | Options include "standard", "master", or "cert". If unknown, choose "standard" or leave blank. | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
transaction_line_of_business_list | Only applicable if there are multiple lines of business. The line of business list breakdown is by premium values. List them in the same order as transaction_line_of_business_list. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbol "|".. | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
transaction_line_of_business_coverage | If Multiple Lines of Business applies, then use the line of business list breakdown. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbol “|”.The requirement depends if state requires a line of business breakdown. As this varies by state, we recommend importing all transactions with multiple lines of businesses, where applicable. | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
insured_entity |
Indicates the type of insured entity. This field is used to determine tax exemption status in certain states. Use the Entity Type as the value for this field.
varchar(255) | ||||||||||
physical_same_as_mailing | If the Physical Address is the same as the Mailing State, then set this value = 1. If the Physical Address is NOT the same as the Mailing State, set this value = 0. IMPORTANT: If you make the physical state the same as the mailing state then you will need to make sure that both addresses are added with valid "States" codes or you will receive an import error. | tinyint(1) | ✓ | |||||||||
physical_address | Physical address. Required if Physical State is NOT the same as Mailing State. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
physical_address2 | Physical address line 2 | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
physical_city | Physical City. Required if Physical State is NOT the same as Mailing State. | varchar(100) | Depends | |||||||||
physical_zip_code | Physical zip code. Required if Physical State is NOT the same as Mailing State. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
physical_state_code | Physical state. 2 letter state code. Required if Physical State is NOT the same as Mailing State. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_producer_name | Retail Producer Name (ie: John Smith). Required for filing in DE, OR, MS, MO, WA, and CA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_producer_license | Retail Producer License Number. Required for filing in DE, OR, MS, MO, WA, and CA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_agency_name | Retail Agency Name (ie: Smith Insurance Agency). Required for filing in DE, OR, MS, MO, WA, and CA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_agency_license | Retail Agency License Number | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_address | Retail Producer's Address Line 1. Required in DE, OR, MS, MO, WA, and CA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_address2 | Retail Producer's Address Line 2. Required in DE, OR, MS, and WA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_city | Retail Producer City Location. Required in DE, OR, MS, and WA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(100) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_state | Retail Producer State Location. Required in DE, OR, MS, and WA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_zip | Retail Producer Zip Code Location. Required in DE, OR, MS, and WA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_phone_number | For future development | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_email_address | For future development | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
associated_producer | This is the license number of the associated producer only if this differs from the surplus lines license. Associated producer is meant to be used when the agency license is being used to file but the state asks for a particular broker within that agency to be listed. It is different than the "retail producer". For instance, in CA, the associated producer is the "transactor" for the policy - while in PA, it is the 'producer' for the policy. More info: What is an associated producer? Only applicable in PA, CA | varchar(255) | Required only if filing under Agency license in CA and/or PA. | |||||||||
business_group_id | Business Group ID. This is if you have divisions, regions, or other business groups that you want to assign to a transaction for tracking. This value, if imported, can be found on the Tracking tab in the filing details page of a Filing Agent/Filing Agency Admin User. Most clients choose to leave this field blank | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
sop_name | Service Of Process Name. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. Service of Process (aka service of suit) is a clause used in the event of a failure to pay amounts claimed under the policy, insurers agree to submit to any court of competent jurisdiction in the US to accept summonses and complaints. If asked for in the portal, including the Service of Process information that is included in the policy documents. | varchar(100) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_address | Service Of Process Address. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_address_2 | Service Of Process Address 2(if applicable). Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_city | Service Of Process City. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(100) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_state | Service Of Process State. 2 letter state code. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_zip | Service Of Process Zip Code. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
dc_naic | Declining Carrier NAIC Code. Declining Carrier is an admitted insurance carrier that has declined the request for coverage. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbol "|". Currently available in SC, TN, IN, NY, and CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing. Here is a mapping sheet that describes all of the declining carrier fields. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
dc_date_declined | Declining Carrier Date Declined. Currently available in CA and NY; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbols "|" and are required if there are multiple NAIC codes. If you want to view the states that eventually will begin requiring this field, please see this mapping sheet and use the filter to show those fields that are inactive. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ||||||||||
dc_declining_reason | Declining Carrier Declining Reason. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbols "|" and are required if there are multiple NAIC codes. The value imported would be the reason why the admitted carrier declined to write the business. This value imported is a state-specific reason and should be one of the options provided. If you want to view the states that eventually will begin requiring this field, please see this mapping sheet and use the filter to show those fields that are inactive. | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_name | Declining Carrier Representative Name. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_title | Declining Carrier Representative Title. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_email | Declining Carrier Representative Email. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_phone_number | Declining Carrier representative Phone Number. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_website | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. Website may be used in place of a representative name and contact information for completion of the SL2. | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_who_received_the_declinations | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. (for CA only) This answer pulls in to Question 1 on the SL2 and allows for either the Surplus Lines Broker or the Retail Producer information to be used. Import Code Description: 1 Surplus Lines Broker, 2 Retail Producer, 3 Other Person in Office | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_other_person_in_office | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. (for CA only) This determines if the Surplus Lines Broker, Retail Producer, or someone else in their respective offices received the declinations, to correctly answer Question 7 on the SL2 | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_who_performed_diligent_search | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. Accepted values are as follows: Import Code Description: 1 Surplus Lines Broker, 2 Retail Producer. If Account Written as = Direct Client (DC), then this value will be defaulted to "1" Surplus Lines Broker. | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
retail_zip | Retail Producer Zip Code Location. Required in DE, OR, MS, and WA if the business is written through a Retail Agent/Producer. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_phone_number | For future development | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
retail_email_address | For future development | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
associated_producer | This is the license number of the associated producer only if this differs from the surplus lines license. Associated producer is meant to be used when the agency license is being used to file but the state asks for a particular broker within that agency to be listed. It is different than the "retail producer". For instance, in CA, the associated producer is the "transactor" for the policy - while in PA, it is the 'producer' for the policy. More info: What is an associated producer? Only applicable in PA, CA | varchar(255) | Required only if filing under Agency license in CA and/or PA. | |||||||||
business_group_id | Business Group ID. This is if you have divisions, regions, or other business groups that you want to assign to a transaction for tracking. This value, if imported, can be found on the Tracking tab in the filing details page of a Filing Agent/Filing Agency Admin User. Most clients choose to leave this field blank | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
customer_code | Customer Code. This is if you have specific customer classifications in your management system that you want to be associated with a transaction for tracking. This value, if imported, can be found on the Tracking tab in the filing details page of a Filing Agent/Filing Agency Admin User. Most clients choose to leave this field blank | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
business_group_id | Business Group ID. This is if you have divisions, regions, or other business groups that you want to assign to a transaction for tracking. This value, if imported, can be found on the Tracking tab in the filing details page of a Filing Agent/Filing Agency Admin User. Most clients choose to leave this field blank | varchar (50) | ||||||||||
sop_name | Service Of Process Name. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. Service of Process (aka service of suit) is a clause used in the event of a failure to pay amounts claimed under the policy, insurers agree to submit to any court of competent jurisdiction in the US to accept summonses and complaints. If asked for in the portal, including the Service of Process information that is included in the policy documents. | varchar(100) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_address | Service Of Process Address. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_address_2 | Service Of Process Address 2(if applicable). Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_city | Service Of Process City. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(100) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_state | Service Of Process State. 2 letter state code. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
sop_zip | Service Of Process Zip Code. Currently, this applies only to AL and OK. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
dc_naic | Declining Carrier NAIC Code. Declining Carrier is an admitted insurance carrier that has declined the request for coverage. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbol "|". Currently available in SC, TN, IN, NY, and CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing. Here is a mapping sheet that describes all of the declining carrier fields. | varchar(255) | Depends | |||||||||
dc_date_declined | Declining Carrier Date Declined. Currently available in CA and NY; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbols "|" and are required if there are multiple NAIC codes. If you want to view the states that eventually will begin requiring this field, please see this mapping sheet and use the filter to show those fields that are inactive. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ||||||||||
dc_declining_reason | Declining Carrier Declining Reason. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing. Multiple values are separated by pipe symbols "|" and are required if there are multiple NAIC codes. The value imported would be the reason why the admitted carrier declined to write the business. This value imported is a state-specific reason and should be one of the options provided. If you want to view the states that eventually will begin requiring this field, please see this mapping sheet and use the filter to show those fields that are inactive. | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_name | Declining Carrier Representative Name. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_title | Declining Carrier Representative Title. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_email | Declining Carrier Representative Email. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_phone_number | Declining Carrier representative Phone Number. Currently available in CA; necessary for SL-2 creation when batch filing | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_representative_website | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. Website may be used in place of a representative name and contact information for completion of the SL2. | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_who_received_the_declinations | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. (for CA only) This answer pulls in to Question 1 on the SL2 and allows for either the Surplus Lines Broker or the Retail Producer information to be used. Import Code Description: 1 Surplus Lines Broker, 2 Retail Producer, 3 Other Person in Office | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_other_person_in_office | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. (for CA only) This determines if the Surplus Lines Broker, Retail Producer, or someone else in their respective offices received the declinations, to correctly answer Question 7 on the SL2 | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
dc_who_performed_diligent_search | For CA Only: Necessary for SL-2 creation when not attaching SL2 Form. Accepted values are as follows: Import Code Description: 1 Surplus Lines Broker, 2 Retail Producer. If Account Written as = Direct Client (DC), then this value will be defaulted to "1" Surplus Lines Broker. | varchar(255) | ||||||||||
agent_id | Agent ID or Agency ID. Each Agency and Agent user is assigned an "Agent ID". This value associates the transaction to a specific agency group or user. It is required so that InsCipher knows which agency to associate with the transaction. To get this ID, you will need to log into the InsCipher Connect portal, go to Setup > User List and Settings > and view the Agency ID in the table for your Agency Admin user accounts. | integer | ✓ | |||||||||
agent_notes | Agent Notes. Populates the Agent Notes section on the Filing Details page of a Filing Agent/Filing Agency Admin user. Include only if you want to add other information about the policy not captured in any of the other fields. | varchar (255) | ||||||||||
umr_number | Lloyd's transaction number. Required in NJ and MS if Lloyd's is a carrier on the policy. | varchar(20) | Depends | |||||||||
sla_transaction_number | NJ Transaction Number (Format XXXXX-XX-XXXXX). Required in NJ | Numeric (12) XXXXX-XX-XXXXX | Depends | |||||||||
wind_storm_exclusion | Windstorm Exclusion Flag. Flag on whether or not windstorm exclusion applies. Only applies to certain property coverages and only applies in TX and FL. TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0 | tinyint(1) | Depends | |||||||||
wind_storm_eligible_for_pool | Eligible For Windstorm Pool? Only applied to certain property coverages and only applies in FL. TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0 | Boolean | Depends | |||||||||
wind_storm_deduction | Windstorm/Hurricane Deductible. Amount of windstorm/hurricane deductible related to certain property coverages. Only applies in FL. If not applicable, leave blank. | decimal(12, 2) | Depends | |||||||||
wind_storm_primary_amount | Windstorm Primary Amount (Coverage A). Amount related to certain property coverages. Only applies in FL. If not applicable, leave blank. | decimal(12, 2) | Depends | |||||||||
wind_storm_other_coverages_deductible | All Other Perils Deductible. Amount related to all other deductibles not mentioned in the other fields above. Only applies in FL. If not applicable, leave blank. | decimal(12, 2) | Depends | |||||||||
lloyds_cover_holder_number | According to LLoyd's, Cover Holder is a company or partnership authorized by a Managing Agent to enter into a contract or contracts of insurance to be underwritten by the members of a syndicate managed by it in accordance with the terms of a Binding Authority. For additional details please see here | varchar (255) | ||||||||||
lloyds_cover_holder_name | According to LLoyd's, Cover Holder is a company or partnership authorized by a Managing Agent to enter into a contract or contracts of insurance to be underwritten by the members of a syndicate managed by it in accordance with the terms of a Binding Authority. For additional details please see here | varchar (255) | ||||||||||
transaction_documents | Section for uploading transactional documents (Policies, Diligent Effort forms, etc.) during API submission. If omitted, documents will need to be added separately using the document import API. Or they can be added manually to the filing details page for each policy.
Depends |
Additional Fields Applicable For Initial Data Migration
We recommend bringing in the current year's transactional data in order for the system to be able to account for what filings have been filed to date. To assist in this process, we have added the following fields to make the data imported contain the correct filing and paid dates.
Field Title (header must be exact on JSON) | Description | Field type | Optional |
stamping_fee_invoice_id | varchar | ✓ | |
stamping_fee_date_paid | Stamping Fee Paid Date If applicable, this value, if imported, designates the data that a filing stamping fee was paid to the state.
If applicable, this value, if imported, relates to any state's stamping fee invoice number. Most clients choose to leave this blank during the data migration process. Note: this value cannot be forced for Utah/Idaho transactions. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ✓ |
sl_tax_invoice_id | SL Tax Invoice ID If applicable, this value, if imported, relates to any state's SL Tax invoice number. Most clients choose to leave this blank during the data migration process. Note: this value cannot be forced for Utah/Idaho transactions. | varchar | ✓ |
sl_tax_paid_date | SL Tax Paid Date If applicable, this value, if imported, designates the data that a filing's SL Tax was paid to the state. Note: this value cannot be forced for Utah/Idaho transactions. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ✓ |
other_taxes_paid_date | Other Fee Paid Date If applicable, this value can be used as a catch-all to track the date that any other state tax or fee was paid to the state. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ✓ |
unique_id | Unique ID This value is often reserved for certain state-specific ID codes, such as MO's Risk Number, IL's countersignature number, or NY's affidavit number. Import this value during your initial data migration for reference. | varchar (50) | ✓ |
transaction_status | Transaction Status Value can be a number below representing the corresponding transaction status. 1 = Saved Note: this value cannot be forced for Utah/Idaho transactions. | Integer (2) | ✓ |
date_filed | Date Filed If applicable, the date that the policy was filed with the state. If the Date Filed is added, the system will auto-default the transaction status to "Filed". Note: this value cannot be forced for Utah/Idaho transactions. | date (yyyy-mm-dd) | ✓ |
license_number | License Number Only will import if a valid license number exists for the same physical state. If left blank, the system will default to the "Default License". | varchar | ✓ |
filing_admin | Filing Admin Assigned to Filing Only will import if a valid Filing Agency Admin or Filing Agent user exists in the company account. If left blank, the system will default to the Filing Task Assignment set by the user settings. | varchar | ✓ |
migrated | Indicates whether or not a transaction imported was part of the initial data migration or not TRUE = 1 | tinyint(1) | ✓ |
Broker Fees vs Carrier Fees
InsCipher separates fees into two buckets as these fees are taxed and reported differently depending on the state.
Broker Fees - These are an agency, policy, broker, filing, or other revenue-generating or reimbursement fees charged by or retained by the broker that is not mandated by the carrier.
Carrier Fees - These are inspection, audit, underwriting, or other fees charged or mandated by the carrier that is retained by the carrier.
Please note
It is important that when doing an import into InsCipher, your various fees get mapped to one of these two types so that our system can accurately determine the correct SL Tax calculations.
State Taxes and Fee Titles
InsCipher, by default, has certain state taxes and fees defaulted to these names:
a. sl_tax - Surplus Lines Tax
b. stamping_fee - Stamping Fee
c. sl_service_charge - Surplus Lines Service Charge
d. fm_tax - Fire Marshall Tax
e. empa_tax - EMPA Tax
f. municipal_fee - Municipal Tax
In some instances, we have chosen to rename tax titles for certain states instead of creating several custom fee fields. Here is a list of tax/fee titles that may vary from the default.
How Do Generic Lines of Business Import Codes Work?
InsCipher maintains a list of active coverage lists by state. To simplify the import process, we do not expect you to determine what these codes are on import. Instead, we have created Generic Import codes for you to use which can be found here. On the sheet, the generic codes (GEN-XXXX) are listed with the orange headers on the left side of the sheet. To the right, you will see state-specific codes listed with blue headers. If you import using the generic codes, then our system will automatically associate the transaction to the proper state-specific line of business upon import according to the mapping.
Generic codes
It is your responsibility to review the mapping and to determine if there are additional generic codes that need to be mapped or altered.
InsCipher will accommodate adding generic codes for you as part of the implementation process. These need to be requested via email and in one single request for all adjustments needed. If changes to this mapping are requested after implementation, clients will be charged an hourly rate to add these codes as it can be a time-consuming process.
Can I Import Documents In A Separate Step?
Yes, after transactions have been imported successfully, documents can be added in a separate step. To do this, please follow the instructions outlined here.
Immediate Response Format
API automatically returns a list of all policy numbers together with import status.
Success Response
"batch_id": "818b1a7f66c0f6f53de2248b8eb417d5",
"transactions": [
"id": "20190923002",
"policy_number": "CA20170228-09",
"transaction_id": 34748,
"status": 0,
"status_message": "Processing"
Batch Import Status Response
After the policy data has been imported, you can then use the GET request below to get specific results.
Updated 4 days ago